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- Anchors are connected by Paths which hold Strokes
- Anchors control the path
- When the Pen tool has an asterisk next to it, it is telling that you are creating a new shape. You are not connecting it to anything. It is bran new.
- When you hover an Pen that is creating Anchors over another Anchor and an open circle appears it means that you are going to “close the object”
- How to create an open shape: A straight line for example
- Couple ways
- Go pick up another tool and switch back, never do this
- Click to drop first Anchor, then second Anchor, then hit enter
- If you Click-And-Drag to drop an Anchor, you can make non-straight lines
- If you select the Direct Selection Tool and hover over an Anchor, it makes the anchor really big
- Drag the Anchors around to reshape the object
- Select as many anchors that you want
- Bendy lines get reshaped too