(Emacs+Org-Mode) Share Links To Emacs Initialization Files With Minimal Effort!

I love reading all kinds of Emacs configuration files ranging for super refined to just starting out. For example caisah has a list of loads of stellar examples. However the only way to get added to that list is for your configuration to be notable. That is a pretty high bar for people just starting out. New people also usually have the freshest ideas though and they challenge the status quo of what we currently consider “the best”. All of those perspectives are valuable so I wanted to create a simple list that can include all of them.

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(Happiness) A Steadfast Will To Fail Can Always Be Counted On To Ensure Insurmountable Obstacles

A steadfast will to fail can always be counted on to ensure insurmountable obstacles.

So no matter how much despair your feel, even with the most meager feeling inside you saying “Hey, I can do this” know that you have just made the impossible—possible!

And if you can not then know that if at first you don’t succeed then redefine success.

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Choosing The Best Writing And Publishing Software

In regards to writing and publishing literature (mostly articles, books, essays, and dissertations) there is a lot of discussion about choosing the right (software) tools for the job. And for good reason—literary endeavors are mentally laborious difficult work. As anybody would expect the software should help you a lot. At best you only want to worry about choosing the right software to help you write.

Yet the sad and all too common reality is that you are really worried about choosing the software that is the least-worst painful impediment to your creative process. Discussions that praise particular tools are pretty difficult to take any value from until you’ve suffered greatly at the hands of the tools deemed inferior by them. When people are suffering that is the worst time to get their feedback. First get them better, then find out what works and what doesn’t.

This post is what I’ve got to share with you, when I am feeling pretty great about life, and have something good to share about the topic, in regards to \(\LaTeX\) and Org-Mode.

If you are considering using \(\LaTeX\) and Org-Mode for some reason then please read on:

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(Emacs+Org-Mode) Close Magit-Process Related Buffers When They Become Obselete

My old Magit setup left a bunch of buffers around that I didn’t need anymore. Here is the posted solution to close them automatically:

(defun help/magit-kill-buffers ()
  "Restore window configuration and kill all Magit buffers.
Attribution: URL `https://manuel-uberti.github.io/emacs/2018/02/17/magit-bury-buffer/'"
  (let ((buffers (magit-mode-get-buffers)))
    (mapc #'kill-buffer buffers)))
(bind-key "q" #'help/magit-kill-buffers magit-status-mode-map)

(Emacs+Org-Mode) A Literate LS

I can never remember what parameters I want for ls so I made an alias for it. I still couldn’t remember them so I copy and pasted the documentation into a literate document and tangle that into a function to do what I want:

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(Emacs+Org-Mode) Quickly Figure Out How To Write A Function By Decompiling A Macro Using It

When I can’t figure out how to write a function to do what I want then I record a macro of what I want to do and then “decompile” it to Elisp using elmacro. This is a super-power package if you want to figure out how something works.

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Don't Dash Your Hopes Of Utilizing Dashes

You’ve got Unicode and Emacs so take advantage of the 3 kinds of dashes available to every writer. Here is how with a little detail you might find pretty useful totally unrelated to dashes!

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(Emacs+Org-Mode) Migrate From Ido To Ivy In One Quick Step

After avoiding migrating from Ido to Ivy for years I put in the time today. Long story short it was simple, fast, and easy. Here is the micro version of what it took:

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