JavaScript: The Good Parts Book Review

If you are new to JavaScript, then you have voluminous options available to your for your pursuit of knowledge. In my case, I started with the ECMA-262 standard for ECMAScript 5. You can tell that there was a lot of love there; though it wasn’t really the right place (at least for me) to get started. Instead I wanted a “when the tires hit the pavement” overview, and the book delivered that.

The book is lovingly written in a way that all technical people should behave, or for that matter, every conscious entity should behave: focus on the positive, respect the negative, and move on with life. The book covers tons of great guts of the language and how to use it “for real”. I need not say more, the book delivers on its promises, and that is why I gave it a 5/5.

The Kindle version looks great, everything is readable. The chapters and sections are light and terse, you get a lot of bang for your buck. In terms of the voice, it wasn’t my personal preference, and for me it was really hard reading, but that is my problem, not the author’s, and consequently the rating stands.

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