(macOS) Manage Multiple Snippets Of Copied Text With Your Clipboard With Flycut

After using it for a few days I already love it.

Personal examples:

  • I have a document open, and I want copy a few parts from it, into an email. But I don’t want to have to command-tab between the document and the email. So I just comand-c… and then go to my email. I do that all the time.
  • When I care about something that I am reading, a phrase, a word, and I want to remember it… maybe. So, the copy buffer is persistent, and I can go back anytime and look up what I may wanted to use.

Flycut: It’ll Remember It For You (but not Wholesale ).

If you are an Emacser you’ll instantly know and love this as a macOS Kill Ring.

Security concern: persisting sensitive information in your clipboard like this, it is easy to forget about it. Fortunately Flycut doesn’t copy values from password fields. Additionally it keeps it’s data local to your computer never sharing it between your other computers or devices. However, it is just like any other security concern so be careful what you keep in there.

Chai Pro Tools: Ginger Grater And Peeler

Anybody Miss The Kill-Ring When They Use Their Host OS

Here “Host OS” means the operating system on which you run Emacs.

When I use my host OS by muscle memory I try to use the Kill Ring just like I do in Emacs and then I get a painful surprise: I have to copy everything that I need somewhere else and then copy it back. Yuck. Can you recommend a solution for this on macOS?

browse-kill-ring makes the kill ring really easy to use.

If You Have An Org-Mode Problem Then You've Probably Got It Installed Twice

If you have an org-mode problem then you’ve probably got it installed twice. Here are two examples where I always get into trouble:

  • I run from source, this is impossible
    • It is possible because some package listed Org-Mode as a dependency
  • I run only from the Org-Mode package
    • It is possible because some other package listed Org-Mode as a dependency
  • Sometimes a reference to org-plus-contrib can shake things up because it “works fine for a while… and then doesn’t”

The errors are usually cryptic, to the lazy like me, and not worth investigating because they are fake errors.

Exporting Tables With Borders

This page explains how to configure exported tables borders either with the variable org-html-table-default-attributes, which is ignored with HTML5 export, or properties.

The default table export doesn’t include borders and it is difficult to read.

Continue reading “Exporting Tables With Borders”

Never Too Late To Learn `multi-occur-in-matching-buffers'

Ever wanted to search all of your buffers limited by their backing file type? Surprisingly I never did very much. ag and grep worked fine for me. Then I started leaving buffers open, with everything that I cared about, all the time. Then I joined the “Emacs 100+ Buffer Club”.

multi-occur-in-matching-buffers is helpful when you watch to use occur in some of those buffers.