Celebrating Your Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Birthday Year

Just occurred to me today that as of last May I’m celebrating my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy birthday year #42.

To all sci-fi fanatics, writers, hackers, composers, burners, Deadheads, Emacsers, VIMmers, Sādhakas, seekers, survivors, and more:

42 is yet another fine well and good excuse to have some fun this year.

Try Out Org2Blog v1.1.0 Using This Package

Right now you can’t try out an Org2Blog v1.1.0 package from MELPA because it isn’t yet building using Org2Blog’s new recipe. Eventually the pull request will get merged. Once it does I will push the changes. However, you can still try out v1.1.0 using a package.

If you’ve been waiting to try Org2Blog v1.1.0 using a package then you can download it here just download the tar file. After downloading it you can install it from Emacs by typing M-x package-install-file and then choosing the file org2blog-master.tar you just downloaded.

The package manager should install the required packages but if it doesn’t it will warn you and you can manually install them. Depending on how you configured package-archives and package-archive-priorities everything should go just fine. Let me know if it doesn’t.

Checkout the README.org now included within the package.

Happy blogging

Interested in testing Org2Blog v1.1.0?

Org2Blog v1.1.0 has some improvements to it. The README has a lot more in it. There is a user interface (Hydra) now that makes all of the features very visible and easy to use. Some code was refactored and some features were implemented and completed. There are a lot more status and other messages to help make sense of what the application is doing. There is a Test Plan and notes about Contributing.

Tonight I finished coding and testing Org2Blog 1.1.0 as far as I can take it. You know the point where you lose the ability to see the artifacts anymore? That is where I am. Everything seems to work, I’ve been using it and “it works on my computer” lol. It is ready for folks that feel like trying out the new version. Folks who are patient and curious and pretty OK with bugs ranging from the dumb to the painful along with suggesting improvements for better documentation and even new functionality might enjoy this sort of thing.

The source code is here. If you want to try it out from a package here is the latest build.

Choosing A Monospace Font: 2019-March

On 2014/07/03 I wrote How To Choose A Font. My font choice would get used mostly in a text editor, a web page, or a printed page. Based on notable information I ended up choosing DejaVu Sans Mono. Five years later I’m still in love with it.

Right now though I’ve got important life-tasks that I need to complete, that I want to avoid. So it seemed like a great time to revisit my font choice.

Read on

In Bash—Pass Arguments From Function To Another

When I’m good about using and re-using functions in Bash I always end up passing arguments through from one function to another. For example:

function pie {
  open /Applications/Emacs.app --args --debug-init "$@"

function pienthm {
  EMACSNOTHEME=t pie --reverse-video "$@"

Horrible to admit but I keep forgetting the syntax even are taking copious notes on the GNU Bash manual.

BTW: hear, hear to including Bash-isms in every shell script!