Making Sense of git-flow

Vincent’s Git workflow is powerful and simple. So it is the best one for most of us. When you tell somebody that you aren’t using it then they expect a pretty convincing explanation why not. There isn’t much to make sense of really.

gitflow-avh is the easiest way to use it. I tried doing it manually but it is easier to use the plugin. Here are some of the differences if you want compare the plugin with doing it manually. It is worth trying out manually if you want to appreciate the plugin, maybe.

This and this cheat-sheet aren’t all you need to know but they are a fine start.

Three Nice Looking Diff Tools and My Pick

1 Desire

Diff’s are hard. 80% of the time they are simple and fast. 20% of the time they are, well, complicated! My days of text-only diffs are coming to an end. They remain a part of my toolbox but I want a grown-up GUI diff tool. Fortunately there are plenty of options. But how to choose?

  • My decision making process was pretty simple: write down questions about them and answer them in a big spreadsheet
  • See where that takes me
  • Make a decision

Here is how it went.

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